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Methods To Identify And Convert Competitors’ Customers

August 15, 2023 7 min read


As businesses seek to make a mark in today’s crowded marketplace, targeting competitors’ customers has become an essential strategy. Instead of casting a wider net, why not focus on those who are already interested in products or services similar to yours? This article provides actionable insights and proven techniques to identify and convert competitors’ customers to bolster your sales figures.

From leveraging online tools to understanding customer sentiments, here are five methods to get started. But before we dive in, let’s address some common queries about this approach.

Why is targeting competitors’ customers effective?

Targeting competitors’ customers is a strategic move, akin to playing chess. Instead of searching for a brand-new audience, you’re focusing on individuals who’ve already shown interest in your industry. They have a recognized need, which means half the battle is already won.

Moreover, if your competitors are falling short in any area, be it product quality, customer service, or pricing, their customers are likely in search of better alternatives. If you can provide that alternative, these customers are low-hanging fruits ready to be picked.

For example, if a software company identifies that a competitor’s tool often crashes or lacks essential features, they can specifically target ads highlighting their tool’s reliability and feature set.

However, it’s crucial to approach this strategy ethically. It’s one thing to identify gaps in competitors’ offerings and present yours as a superior option. It’s another to badmouth or malign competitors. The former showcases your strengths; the latter can paint you in a negative light.

Brands like Pepsi and Coca-Cola have, over the years, used comparative marketing to highlight the tastes of their drinks. Still, it’s done tastefully without direct maligning. That’s the approach to emulate.

What tools can help in this strategy?

Several online tools can give insights into competitors’ customers. These tools can help identify customer demographics, behavior, preferences, and more. Knowing such details will enable you to craft precise marketing campaigns to attract them.

Some notable tools include SimilarWeb, which provides insights into website traffic sources, audience interests, and even competitor websites. SEMrush and Ahrefs are excellent for understanding competitors’ keyword strategies. Using these keywords in your campaigns can attract their audience to your offerings.

For example, a budding coffee brand might use these tools to discover that a competitor’s audience frequently searches for “sustainable coffee brands”. They could then target this keyword in their campaigns and emphasize their sustainable practices.

Additionally, tools like Mention or Brand24 can help track mentions of your competitors online. Whenever a customer expresses dissatisfaction with a competitor, you have an opportunity to introduce them to your product or service as a superior alternative.

Consider a scenario where customers frequently complain about a competitor’s smartphone battery life. If your smartphone boasts a long-lasting battery, that’s your cue to market heavily on that strength.

How can I ethically convert these customers?

While targeting competitors’ customers is a smart strategy, it’s vital to remain ethical. Instead of direct poaching, focus on showcasing your strengths and let customers make informed decisions.

One way to do this is through comparative marketing. Highlight features of your product or service without directly degrading competitors. Use factual information and let customers infer the better choice. If you’re offering a better price, let that be known. If your product has additional features, highlight them.

An example is the smartphone market. Brands often highlight their camera megapixels, battery life, or processing speed, allowing consumers to compare specs and make decisions based on their needs.

Another method is to leverage testimonials and reviews. Satisfied customers can be your best advocates. Encourage them to share their experiences online. Potential customers, especially those considering switching brands, often look at reviews before making decisions.

Lastly, offer trials or discounts for first-time users. This reduces the risk for those considering switching and provides them a firsthand experience of your product or service.

How can I ensure my offerings stand out?

To convert competitors’ customers, your offerings not only need to match but also surpass theirs. It’s essential to be aware of market trends, customer preferences, and technological advancements.

Regularly solicit feedback from your customers. They can provide insights into desired features, areas of improvement, or aspects they love about your product. Use this feedback to enhance your offerings continually.

For instance, if you’re in the e-commerce industry and customers frequently lament the long delivery times of competitors, ensure you offer faster delivery options. Highlight this in your marketing campaigns, and you’ll attract a slew of customers valuing quick delivery.

Similarly, if you’re in the software industry and users appreciate a particular feature in a competitor’s software that you lack, consider integrating that feature in your next update if feasible.

Ultimately, the aim is to keep evolving and improving, ensuring your product or service is always a step ahead of the competition.

What mistakes should I avoid?

While the strategy of targeting competitors’ customers is effective, there are pitfalls to avoid. One major mistake is focusing solely on competitor weaknesses and neglecting to build your strengths. This can result in a negative brand image.

Additionally, avoid making false claims or promises you can’t deliver. Nothing drives customers away faster than unmet expectations. If you promise a feature or service, ensure you can deliver it impeccably.

For example, if you’re a cloud storage provider and claim to offer the highest security standards, but then suffer a data breach, the reputational damage can be immense. It’s always better to under-promise and over-deliver.

Also, while comparative advertising is an effective method, avoid overtly negative campaigns. They might get attention, but they can also backfire by making your brand look petty or desperate.

Lastly, remember that every customer won from a competitor is a double win. Not only have you gained a customer, but your competitor has lost one. Treat them with the utmost respect and provide exceptional service to ensure they remain loyal to your brand.


Method Approach Example
Online Tools Utilize tools like SimilarWeb, SEMrush to get insights Using keywords found on SEMrush in your campaigns
Ethical Conversion Comparative marketing, reviews, and trials Highlighting camera specs in smartphone ads
Stand Out Offerings Solicit feedback, stay updated with trends Offering faster delivery in e-commerce
Avoid Mistakes Build on strengths, avoid false claims Avoid negative campaigns


How can I track the success of my campaigns targeting competitors’ customers?

You can use analytics tools like Google Analytics to monitor website traffic, conversion rates, and source of traffic. Comparing these metrics before and after launching your campaign can give insights into its effectiveness.

Is it legal to target competitors’ customers?

Yes, as long as you use ethical practices and avoid false advertising or disparaging competitors directly. It’s always good to consult legal counsel to ensure all marketing practices adhere to local regulations.

Can I use this strategy for any business?

While the strategy is versatile, its effectiveness might vary based on industry, market saturation, and the nature of products or services. However, with the right approach, any business can benefit from this strategy to some extent.

What if competitors start targeting my customers?

It’s a two-way street. Ensure you continually improve your offerings, provide excellent customer service, and maintain a strong brand presence. Loyal customers are less likely to switch even if competitors target them.

How can I retain customers I’ve won over from competitors?

Provide exceptional service, listen to their feedback, and continually improve your offerings. Building a strong relationship and trust is the key to retaining customers in the long run.