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How To Do And Show a Competitor Analysis Pitch Deck

August 19, 2023 9 min read


Competitor analysis is the bedrock of a robust business strategy. By diving deep into the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors, you not only understand the market dynamics better but also position yourself to outshine them. When presenting this analysis, a pitch deck can effectively communicate your findings and insights. This article will unravel the intricate process of creating and showcasing a competitor analysis pitch deck, ensuring you captivate your audience and make a lasting impression.

From selecting the right metrics to engaging design ideas, creating a competitor analysis pitch deck can seem daunting. But fear not. By addressing the most common questions in this realm, we aim to simplify the process for you, furnishing you with actionable steps and real-life examples that breathe life into your presentation.

What are the Essential Elements to Include in a Competitor Analysis Pitch Deck?

The core of a competitor analysis pitch deck lies in its content. Including the right elements ensures your presentation is not only comprehensive but also compelling. Begin with an overview of the competitive landscape, introducing your primary competitors and their market positions. Delve into their product offerings, showcasing similarities and differences. This lays the groundwork for the subsequent sections.

Highlight your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses. For instance, while Brand X might have an exceptional online presence, they might lag in customer service. This provides opportunities for your brand to capitalize on. Discuss their marketing strategies. If Company Y consistently runs Facebook ads targeting young adults, it offers insights into their target demographic. A section dedicated to customer feedback can offer nuggets of wisdom. Reviews and testimonials can reveal gaps in competitors’ offerings, which your brand can fill.

Ensure you also focus on the financial metrics. While a competitor might be raking in substantial revenue, they might also have high overheads, affecting profitability. An analysis of their pricing strategy can also yield valuable insights. Conclude with actionable recommendations. If, for example, most competitors neglect the senior demographic, propose a marketing campaign tailored to them, positioning your brand uniquely in the market.

Example: Consider Apple and Samsung. While both giants in the smartphone industry, Apple’s strength lies in its ecosystem and brand loyalty, while Samsung excels in its diverse range and innovative features. A pitch deck comparing the two could highlight Apple’s premium pricing strategy and Samsung’s wide reach, offering insights into potential market gaps and opportunities.

For a crisp visualization, consider a table:

Element Description
Overview Introduction to key competitors and market dynamics.
Product Offerings Comparison of products/services offered by competitors.
Strengths and Weaknesses Analytical breakdown of what competitors excel at and where they fall short.
Marketing Strategies Insight into competitors’ promotional tactics and channels.
Customer Feedback Analysis of reviews and testimonials for competitors’ products/services.
Financial Metrics Overview of revenue, profit margins, and pricing strategies.
Recommendations Actionable steps based on the analysis presented.

How Do You Collect Reliable Data for Competitor Analysis?

Garnering trustworthy data is pivotal for an accurate competitor analysis. Start by leveraging publicly available resources. Competitors’ websites, annual reports, and press releases can offer a goldmine of information. For financial data, platforms like Statista or IBISWorld can be instrumental. Don’t overlook user reviews on platforms like Amazon, Yelp, or Google, as they provide genuine customer feedback.

Utilize competitive analysis tools like Semrush, Ahrefs, and Moz. These can offer insights into competitors’ website traffic, keyword rankings, and backlink profiles. For social media insights, tools like Brandwatch or Socialbakers can be beneficial, showcasing competitors’ engagement metrics and content performance.

Conducting primary research can also prove invaluable. Surveys, focus groups, or one-on-one interviews with customers can offer insights not available through secondary data. This first-hand information can be pivotal in understanding customer perceptions and preferences.

When collating data, ensure you keep track of your sources. This not only lends credibility to your presentation but also allows for periodic updates, ensuring your analysis remains relevant.

Example: Let’s say you’re analyzing a competitor’s online presence. Using Semrush, you discover they rank highly for “sustainable outdoor gear,” but their backlink profile is weak. This presents an opportunity for your brand to create quality content around sustainability, attracting high-quality backlinks and potentially outperforming the competitor in search rankings.

How to Present Your Findings Effectively in the Pitch Deck?

Presenting your findings effectively is as crucial as the analysis itself. Start with a captivating introduction, setting the stage for your analysis. Use visuals, like pie charts or bar graphs, to represent market share, highlighting where competitors stand. Create a cohesive flow, ensuring one section seamlessly transitions into the next.

Use storytelling to make your pitch memorable. Instead of merely stating facts, weave a narrative. Describe the journey of a hypothetical customer choosing between your brand and a competitor, highlighting the touchpoints influencing their decision. This makes the data relatable and engaging.

Visual aids can be potent. Infographics, charts, and diagrams simplify complex data, making it digestible. Ensure consistency in design. Use your brand colors and maintain uniformity in fonts and graphics. This not only looks professional but also reinforces brand identity.

Engage your audience with interactive elements. Incorporate short videos showcasing customer testimonials or interactive graphs where the audience can delve deeper into specific data points. End with a compelling conclusion, summarizing key findings and actionable recommendations.

Example: Imagine presenting the customer feedback section. Instead of a bullet-point list of reviews, create a word cloud highlighting common phrases. Complement this with a

short video montage of customer testimonials, making the feedback tangible and impactful.

Which Design Tips Can Enhance My Competitor Analysis Pitch Deck?

The design of your pitch deck can elevate your presentation, ensuring your findings make a lasting impression. Begin with a compelling cover slide, incorporating your brand logo and a relevant image that sets the tone. Keep slides uncluttered. Embrace white space, letting your content breathe, and ensuring it’s easily readable.

Use consistent fonts and colors. While it might be tempting to use multiple fonts for visual variety, it can make slides look chaotic. Stick to one or two complementary fonts. Use colors judiciously. A limited color palette, preferably aligned with your brand colors, looks professional and cohesive.

Include high-quality images that resonate with the content. Avoid generic stock photos; instead, opt for images that add value and context. Infographics can be a game-changer, condensing complex data into a visual format that’s easy to understand.

Animations and transitions, when used sparingly, can add a touch of dynamism. However, avoid overdoing it, as excessive animations can be distracting. Lastly, ensure your pitch deck is mobile-friendly. With many presentations being viewed on tablets or smartphones, ensuring compatibility can enhance user experience.

Example: When presenting marketing strategies of competitors, use distinct icons for different channels— a TV for traditional advertising, a smartphone for mobile marketing, and so on. This visually segregates the data, making it easier for the audience to process.

How Can I Make My Pitch Deck Stand Out from the Competition?

To make your competitor analysis pitch deck truly memorable, infuse it with unique elements that set it apart. Start by adopting a unique theme or narrative. This could be a journey, a game, or even a story, weaving through the entire presentation, making it engaging and cohesive.

Integrate interactive elements. Embed clickable links, videos, or even mini-games that offer deeper dives into specific data points. This not only keeps the audience engaged but also caters to different learning styles. Think multimedia. A mix of text, images, infographics, videos, and even sound can make your pitch deck a sensory experience.

Personalize your presentation. If presenting to a specific stakeholder or team, tailor your pitch deck to address their specific concerns or interests. This shows diligence and ensures your content resonates with the audience. Additionally, include real-life examples or case studies. These offer tangible insights, grounding your analysis in reality.

Stay updated with design trends. Incorporating contemporary design elements ensures your pitch deck feels fresh and relevant. Lastly, seek feedback. Before the final presentation, share your pitch deck with peers or mentors, gathering insights to refine and enhance it.

Example: Suppose your pitch deck’s theme is “The Race to Market Dominance.” Each section can be a leg of the race, with competitors vying for the lead. Visuals can include racetracks, podiums, and medals, making the analysis engaging and thematic.

What Mistakes Should I Avoid When Creating My Competitor Analysis Pitch Deck?

While creating a compelling pitch deck, it’s equally essential to be wary of pitfalls that can undermine its efficacy. Avoid information overload. While it’s tempting to include every data point, discern what’s truly pivotal. Too much data can overwhelm the audience, diluting the key messages.

Ensure your analysis is objective and unbiased. While it’s natural to view your brand favorably, an objective pitch deck offers genuine insights, bolstering credibility. Avoid making assumptions. Base your findings on tangible data, ensuring they’re accurate and verifiable.

Avoid a monotonous design. While consistency is crucial, every slide looking identical can bore the audience. Infuse variety while maintaining a cohesive look. Shun generic images or clichéd graphics. They add no value and can make your pitch deck look uninspired.

Ensure your pitch deck is not too long. While comprehensiveness is essential, an excessively lengthy presentation can lose the audience’s interest. Aim for conciseness, highlighting key points. Lastly, always proofread. Grammatical errors or typos can undermine the professionalism of your pitch deck, detracting from its impact.

Example: If analyzing customer feedback, instead of including every single review, highlight the common themes. This offers insights without overwhelming the audience with excessive data.

Table Summary

Question Key Point
What are the Essential Elements to Include in a Competitor Analysis Pitch Deck? Overview, product offerings, strengths & weaknesses, marketing strategies, customer feedback, financial metrics, recommendations.
How Do You Collect Reliable Data for Competitor Analysis? Public resources, competitive analysis tools, primary research.
How to Present Your Findings Effectively in the Pitch Deck? Engaging introduction, storytelling, visual aids, interactive elements, compelling conclusion.
Which Design Tips Can Enhance My Competitor Analysis Pitch Deck? Compelling cover, consistent fonts & colors, high-quality images, judicious animations.
How Can I Make My Pitch Deck Stand Out from the Competition? Unique theme, interactive elements, personalization, real-life examples, contemporary design.
What Mistakes Should I Avoid When Creating My Competitor Analysis Pitch Deck? Avoid information overload, ensure objectivity, shun generic graphics, proofread.


How do I handle questions during my pitch deck presentation?

Stay calm and listen carefully. Address the question succinctly, referencing data from the pitch deck where relevant. If unsure, it’s okay to admit it and offer to follow up later with the information.

What if a competitor has a similar pitch deck design?

Focus on content quality and unique insights. While design

matters, the depth, accuracy, and relevance of your analysis will set your pitch deck apart.

How frequently should I update my competitor analysis pitch deck?

As markets evolve, competitor strategies can change. It’s advisable to revisit your pitch deck at least semi-annually, ensuring it remains current and relevant.

Can I use the same pitch deck for different stakeholders?

While the core content might remain similar, tailor your pitch deck to address specific concerns or interests of different stakeholders for maximum impact.

How do I know if my pitch deck was effective?

Gather feedback post-presentation. Did stakeholders gain new insights? Were decisions made based on your analysis? Positive outcomes indicate an effective pitch deck.