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How to Do a Competitive Content Analysis?

August 8, 2023 11 min read

Power of Competitive Content Analysis

In the unrelenting battleground of online marketing, knowing your enemy – or in this case, your competitor – is half the battle won. But how do you get to know your competitor better than they know themselves? Through a process called competitive content analysis.

Understanding Competitive Content Analysis

Before diving into the strategies, it’s critical to understand what competitive content analysis is. It is an in-depth review of your competitor’s content strategy, aimed at identifying their strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for your business. This approach is designed to reveal gaps in your competitor’s content, that is, topics they haven’t covered, audience needs they haven’t met, or questions they haven’t answered. We refer to this as content gap analysis.

It’s not enough just to churn out content regularly. Your content has to resonate with your audience better than your competitors’ does. This is where competitive gap analysis comes in.

The Importance of Competitive Content Analysis

The information derived from competitive content analysis guides your content strategy, helps avoid content saturation, and reduces the risk of being outperformed by competitors. It also provides insight into how your competitors are succeeding and gives you the tools to replicate that success. When executed correctly, competitive content analysis becomes a key aspect of your SEO strategy.

Discovering the Content Gap with Ahrefs and SEMrush

There are a number of tools available to aid you in conducting your content gap analysis. Two of the most popular tools are Ahrefs and SEMrush. They both offer features like Ahrefs Content Gap and SEMrush Content Gap Analysis which make finding the content gap a breeze.

These features help you identify which keywords your competitors rank for, but you do not. This analysis allows you to see the missed opportunities in your current content strategy and update your future strategy accordingly.

Steps to Conduct a Competitive Content Analysis

Now that you understand what competitive content analysis is and the importance it holds in shaping your content strategy, it’s time to learn how to do it.

Identify Your Competitors

The first step in conducting a competitive content analysis is identifying your main competitors. This might seem obvious, but in the digital world, your competitors aren’t just the businesses offering the same services or products as you. They can be any website or business that is ranking for the same keywords that you want to rank for.

Choose the Right Tools

As mentioned earlier, tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush are particularly useful for a competitive content analysis. Depending on your budget and needs, you might choose the Ahrefs Keyword Gap tool or the SEMrush Content Gap Analysis tool. Both tools provide an extensive analysis of the keywords your competitors are ranking for and the content gaps in your strategy.

Analyze Competitor’s Keywords and Ranking

Once you have identified your competitors and chosen the right tools, the next step is analyzing your competitor’s keywords and rankings. This involves taking a close look at what keywords your competitors are ranking for. Are there any low-competition keywords they have overlooked? Can you spot high-traffic keywords that you can target?

Evaluate Competitor’s Content

Now, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and dive into your competitors’ content. Examine their blog posts, articles, videos, podcasts, and other forms of content. What topics do they cover? How do they structure their content? How frequently do they post? By understanding their content strategy, you can optimize your own to better cater to your audience’s needs.

Identify Content Gaps

With the help of the Content Gap Analysis Ahrefs or Content Gap SEMrush feature, you can identify content gaps in your strategy. This could be a high-traffic keyword that you haven’t targeted or a topic that your audience is interested in but you haven’t covered. Identifying these gaps is crucial for the success of your content strategy.

Develop a Content Strategy

Once you have identified the content gaps, it’s time to develop a content strategy that fills these gaps. This could mean creating new content or optimizing existing content with the keywords you’ve discovered. This is where the Keyword Gap Analysis Ahrefs feature comes in handy, allowing you to optimize your content with high-traffic, low-competition keywords.

Monitor Your Competitors’ Content Changes

Last, but not least, keep an eye on your competitors’ content changes. Your competitors aren’t static; they’re continually evolving their content strategies. By staying on top of these changes, you can adapt your strategy to stay ahead of the curve.

Competitive content analysis is a crucial component of a successful content strategy. By conducting this analysis, you can find gaps in your own strategy and discover opportunities to outshine your competitors. Now go forth, and may the content be with you!

Refining Your Content Strategy

Now that you’ve analyzed your competitors and understood their content strategy, it’s time to take a step back and look at your own strategy. Is your content achieving the goals you set for it? Are there areas where you could improve or gaps you could fill? This is where the process of refining your content strategy begins.

A refined content strategy isn’t just about creating more content. It’s about creating the right content – content that resonates with your audience, meets their needs, and ultimately leads them to convert. A well-crafted content strategy, informed by competitive analysis, can make the difference between content that merely exists and content that performs.

Creating a Content Calendar

One of the most effective ways to manage your content strategy is by creating a content calendar. A content calendar, also known as an editorial calendar, maps out your content plan for the upcoming weeks or months. It includes details like when and what you’ll post, who’s responsible for each task, and deadlines for drafts and final versions.

Having a content calendar helps you stay organized, ensures you’re consistently publishing high-quality content, and allows you to plan ahead for holidays or special events. Plus, when you’re doing a content gap analysis, it’s much easier to spot patterns or opportunities when you can see your entire content plan at a glance.

Iterating and Experimenting

Remember, content strategy isn’t a set-it-and-forget-it kind of thing. It requires regular iteration and experimentation. Just because a certain type of content works now doesn’t mean it will work forever. Your audience’s needs change, search engine algorithms change, and your industry evolves. You need to be ready and willing to adapt your content strategy to keep up.

That’s where the value of competitive content analysis really shines. By continually monitoring your competitors, you can stay on top of trends, adapt to changes, and always keep your content one step ahead of the competition.

Involving Your Team

Content strategy shouldn’t be a solo endeavor. The most effective content strategies involve collaboration from multiple team members or departments. From the SEO specialists who know how to optimize your content for search engines, to the designers who make your content visually appealing, to the marketers who know how to promote your content to the right audience – everyone has a role to play in a successful content strategy.

By involving your team in the competitive content analysis process, you can ensure everyone is on the same page about your content goals and strategies. Plus, you might get fresh insights and ideas from team members who bring different skills and perspectives to the table.

Consistently Reviewing and Updating Your Strategy

Lastly, always remember that your content strategy should be dynamic, not static. Regularly review and update your strategy based on new insights from your competitive content analysis, feedback from your audience, and performance data from your content. This ensures your content strategy remains effective and continues to drive the results you want.

As you can see, competitive content analysis is more than just a one-off process. It’s an ongoing cycle of analyzing, strategizing, implementing, reviewing, and refining. But with each cycle, your content becomes more effective, your reach expands, and your business grows. So embrace the power of competitive content analysis, and watch your content soar to new heights.


Section Key Takeaways
Understanding Content Gap Analysis Content gap analysis is the process of discovering topics and areas not yet covered by your content, but being addressed by your competitors. This helps in finding new opportunities for content creation.
Using Ahrefs for Content Gap Analysis Ahrefs is an effective tool for conducting content gap analysis. It helps in finding the content your competitors are ranking for, but you’re not.
Using SEMRush for Content Gap Analysis SEMRush is another powerful tool for content gap analysis. It provides insights into the keywords that are working for your competitors, helping you build a more robust keyword strategy.
Refining Your Content Strategy Based on your content gap analysis, refine your content strategy to create more relevant and engaging content for your audience. This involves planning, creating, and optimizing your content to fill the gaps.
Creating a Content Calendar A content calendar helps in organizing and planning your content effectively. It aids in ensuring consistency and quality in your content creation process.
Iterating and Experimenting Content strategy needs continuous iteration and experimentation to stay relevant and effective. Monitor trends and be ready to adapt your content strategy as required.
Involving Your Team Involve your team in the content strategy process for better results. Collaboration can bring in diverse skills and fresh insights.
Consistently Reviewing and Updating Your Strategy Regularly review and update your content strategy based on feedback, performance data, and insights from competitive content analysis. This keeps your content strategy dynamic and effective.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a content gap analysis?

Content gap analysis is the process of discovering topics and areas that your content doesn’t yet cover, but are being addressed by your competitors.

How can Ahrefs help in content gap analysis?

Ahrefs can help find the content and keywords your competitors are ranking for, but you’re not. This helps in identifying opportunities for content creation.

How does SEMRush aid in content gap analysis?

SEMRush provides insights into the keywords that are working for your competitors. This information can help you build a more robust keyword strategy.

Why is it important to refine my content strategy?

Refining your content strategy helps you create more relevant and engaging content for your audience. It involves planning, creating, and optimizing your content to fill the gaps identified in your analysis.

What is the role of a content calendar?

A content calendar helps you organize and plan your content effectively. It aids in ensuring consistency and quality in your content creation process.

Why should I iterate and experiment with my content strategy?

Content strategy needs continuous iteration and experimentation to stay relevant and effective. Monitor trends and be ready to adapt your content strategy as required.

How can my team contribute to the content strategy process?

Involve your team in the content strategy process for better results. Collaboration can bring in diverse skills and fresh insights.

Why is it important to consistently review and update my content strategy?

Regularly reviewing and updating your content strategy based on feedback, performance data, and insights from competitive content analysis can keep your content strategy dynamic and effective.

What tools can I use for a competitive content analysis?

Tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush are widely used for competitive content analysis. They provide insights into your competitors’ content and keyword strategies, helping you identify gaps and opportunities.

How does competitive content analysis help my business?

Competitive content analysis helps you understand what content is working for your competitors and identify gaps in your own content. This can inform your content strategy, helping you create content that is more engaging and effective at reaching your audience.