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5 ways to detect new competitors in your space & why. Interesting examples.

July 20, 2023 3 min read


In the modern business world, where innovative ideas rapidly disrupt established industries, staying ahead of the competition involves more than just tracking the usual rivals. Detecting new players in your market space can provide invaluable insights and keep your business prepared to seize opportunities or mitigate risks. Here are five proactive ways to uncover new competitors, supported by fascinating real-world examples.

Leveraging SEO Tools: Unearthing the Unknowns

High-powered SEO tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, or Moz offer competitor analysis features that reveal businesses you might not even be aware are your competitors. By examining keywords, backlinks, and traffic sources, these tools can identify businesses drawing customers’ attention in your space.

Consider the story of the software giant Adobe. Adobe used SEO tools to monitor keywords related to its product offerings. This strategy enabled Adobe to uncover Canva, a new player offering a more user-friendly, intuitive graphic design tool. Adobe quickly ramped up its efforts to enhance user experience, thus defending its market position effectively.

Industry Forums and Social Media: The Conversational Clues

Social media platforms and industry-specific forums are excellent sources of information about emerging competitors. Observing discussions, complaints, or recommendations related to your industry can reveal new entrants that are catching consumers’ attention.

Lego discovered the emergence of the innovative toy brand ‘GoldieBlox’ through social media chatter. GoldieBlox, aimed at encouraging girls to take interest in engineering and technology, was gaining popularity and disrupting the traditional toy industry. Lego swiftly responded by launching Lego Friends, a line of playsets targeted at girls.

Crowdfunding Sites: The Innovation Incubators

Crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo have become breeding grounds for innovative start-ups, many of whom directly or indirectly affect established industries. Regularly scanning these platforms can provide early alerts about potential competitors.

The popular mattress company, Casper, identified Purple, a new competitor, through Kickstarter. Purple’s successful crowdfunding campaign revealed an innovative mattress design that was resonating with consumers. This knowledge allowed Casper to reevaluate its offerings and explore new ideas to stay competitive.

Patent Filings: The Blueprint of Future Competition

While it may sound unconventional, keeping an eye on patent filings can help you detect companies planning to launch products in your industry. The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) database is a public resource that can be monitored for such activity.

Google, always at the forefront of innovation, noticed a surge in patent filings related to augmented reality (AR) technology. Among these was a new competitor, Magic Leap, developing a head-mounted virtual retinal display. Spotting this, Google invested in Magic Leap, turning a potential competitor into a collaborative partner.

Business Directories and Trade Shows: The Traditional Trail

Business directories, trade shows, and industry publications still offer a wealth of information about new competitors. Companies launching new products often use trade shows to gain attention, and directories may list newly registered companies in your industry.

When Dyson introduced its first bagless vacuum cleaner, many traditional vacuum cleaner manufacturers learned about this innovative competitor from trade show announcements and industry publications. Dyson’s bagless design was a game-changer, pushing competitors to rethink their own product designs.


Detecting new competitors early can give your business a crucial advantage. By leveraging SEO tools, participating in industry conversations on social media and forums, watching crowdfunding platforms, monitoring patent filings, and keeping up with trade shows and business directories, you can stay a step ahead in the constantly evolving business arena.

Remember, as the former CEO of Intel, Andrew Grove, famously said, “Only the paranoid survive.” In the world of business competition, a healthy dose of paranoia, coupled with proactive competitor detection strategies, can mean the difference between thriving in your market space and being overrun by unforeseen rivals. Keep your eyes open, and always be ready to adapt.