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10 Low-Cost Ways to Target Your Competitors’ Audiences

August 14, 2023 12 min read


Competition in today’s digital age isn’t just about products or services—it’s largely about audiences. The digital landscape offers numerous opportunities to capture attention from your competitors’ audience segments. Yet, while big-budget strategies might seem alluring, there’s a treasure trove of low-cost methods awaiting businesses that want to make a significant impact. In this exploration, we’ll delve into practical, budget-friendly ways to get your competitors’ audiences to sit up and take notice of your brand.

By understanding these strategies, businesses can leverage digital platforms more effectively, ensuring that they not only remain competitive but also gain an edge. From social media insights to powerful content marketing tactics, the tools at your disposal are both varied and potent. Let’s dive into how you can harness them.

How can social media insights help in targeting competitors’ audiences?

Social media platforms are like open books that narrate the preferences and behaviors of audiences. These platforms are filled with public conversations, likes, shares, and comments that can provide valuable insights into what a competitor’s audience values. For instance, monitoring the comments on a competitor’s post can highlight pain points or preferences.

Using tools like Social Blade or Brandwatch, brands can track competitors’ growth metrics, audience engagement rates, and content performance. Such tools can also unveil the best times for posting, types of content preferred by the audience, and popular hashtags. For example, if a competitor’s video content on Instagram is getting high engagement, it signals a preference for such content amongst their audience.

By studying promoted posts or ads of competitors, businesses can understand the kind of messaging and offers that are being pushed. Are they offering discounts? Hosting webinars? These insights can guide your strategy. For instance, if a competitor is offering a 20% discount on a product, consider introducing a bundle offer which gives perceived higher value at a similar price point.

Additionally, monitoring platforms such as Hootsuite or Talkwalker can be used to set up alerts for competitors’ brand mentions. This helps in real-time understanding of any campaigns they might be running. If a competitor launches a new product and their audience seems excited, consider launching a complementary product or service to tap into that enthusiasm.

In essence, social media insights are not just about numbers. They’re about understanding behaviors, preferences, and sentiments. Leveraging these insights allows businesses to craft strategies that resonate, turning competitors’ audiences into potential customers.

What role does content marketing play in capturing attention from competitors’ customers?

Content marketing, when executed thoughtfully, can be a magnet for competitors’ audiences. It’s about delivering value, establishing authority, and creating trust. For instance, if a competitor’s blog post titled “10 Benefits of Green Tea” is gaining traction, consider crafting a comprehensive guide on “The Ultimate Guide to Green Teas: Types, Benefits, and Brewing Methods”.

A key strategy is to identify content gaps. Tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush can highlight what keywords competitors rank for and where gaps might exist. If a competitor is ranking for “vegan skincare routine” but hasn’t covered “vegan skincare brands,” there’s an opportunity to create targeted content on the latter topic, pulling in their interested audience.

Furthermore, interactive content like quizzes, polls, and infographics can be more engaging than traditional formats. For instance, if a competitor has a blog post about “Finding Your Perfect Skincare Routine”, creating an interactive quiz titled “Discover Your Skin Type and Perfect Skincare Products” can be a unique twist to draw their audience in.

Collaborative content can also be a boon. Hosting webinars, podcasts, or interviews with industry experts can provide valuable insights to the audience. If a competitor’s audience follows certain industry influencers, inviting them for a collaborative piece can attract their followers to your platform.

Lastly, consistently updating and optimizing older content to stay relevant is crucial. If a competitor’s two-year-old post about “Best Marketing Strategies” is still ranking high, updating your similar post with the latest trends and promoting it can attract their audience looking for updated information.

How effective are referral partnerships in audience targeting?

Referral partnerships are collaborations where businesses promote each other to their respective audiences, often for mutual benefit. It’s an age-old tactic, but in the digital era, its impact can be substantial. For instance, two e-commerce brands, one selling skincare products and the other selling makeup, can collaborate. They can offer exclusive discounts to each other’s customer base, effectively tapping into a relevant audience without direct competition.

Effective referral partnerships aren’t just about mutual promotions. They’re about added value. Consider a SaaS company that offers email marketing tools partnering with a content creation platform. They can bundle their services for a limited-time discount. Users get a comprehensive solution, and both companies get exposure to a relevant audience.

Tools like ReferralCandy or Yotpo can assist businesses in creating and managing referral programs. For example, offering incentives for every referral can turn current customers into brand ambassadors, advocating the brand to peers, and potentially to competitors’ customers.

Another approach is to collaborate on content. If a competitor’s audience frequently visits a specific industry blog or magazine, consider partnering with that platform for guest posts or advertorials. This positions your brand right in front of the audience you aim to attract.

However, the foundation of a successful referral partnership lies in trust and mutual benefit. Both parties need to see value, and the offers made to the audience should be genuinely beneficial. Transparent communication, clear terms, and consistent monitoring can ensure such partnerships are fruitful for all involved.

Can online communities or forums help in attracting competitors’ followers?

Online communities, from industry-specific forums to platforms like Reddit or Quora, are treasure troves of insights and opportunities. They host real conversations where individuals share pain points, ask questions, and discuss brands. If a user mentions a competitor’s product, expressing dissatisfaction, it’s an opportunity to subtly introduce your solution.

However, the key here is subtlety and value addition. Blatant promotions are frowned upon in most communities. Instead, focus on being helpful. If someone on a photography forum complains about a competitor’s camera lens, provide tips on lens maintenance or suggest alternative models, one of which could be yours. Over time, consistent helpfulness can position your brand as an authoritative figure in these spaces.

Engaging in community events or discussions can further enhance visibility. For example, if there’s a monthly product showcase thread in a community, ensure your products are featured. If a competitor’s product fails in a comparison thread, chime in with a gentle introduction to your product, emphasizing its strengths without denigrating the competition.

Creating your community can also be a strategic move. Brands with dedicated forums or groups can foster a sense of belonging among users. For instance, if a competitor’s software has a steep learning curve, creating a user-friendly alternative and then a support community around it can pull their frustrated users in.

Remember, communities are built on trust and genuine interactions. Automation tools might be tempting, but nothing beats genuine human interaction. Listening, engaging, and adding value should be the guiding principles for brands hoping to attract competitors’ audiences through online communities.

How can I use Google Ads to target users searching for my competitors?

Google Ads offers a powerful way to place your brand front and center when users are actively searching for related products or services. Through competitor keyword targeting, businesses can display their ads to users searching for competitors’ brand names or products. For example, if you’re a new coffee brand, bidding on keywords related to established competitors can get your brand noticed when users search for “Starbucks alternative” or “Dunkin’ Donuts cold brew”.

The effectiveness of this strategy hinges on compelling ad copy. If a user is searching for a competitor, they’re likely familiar with their offerings. Your ad should highlight unique selling points, discounts, or features that set your product apart. For instance, if a competitor’s software lacks a specific feature, your ad can emphasize that feature as a headline.

A more advanced tactic involves using Google Ads’ Custom Affinity Audiences. By inputting competitors’ website URLs, businesses can target ads to users who’ve shown interest in similar products or services. So, if a user frequently visits a competitor’s site but hasn’t made a purchase, your ad can present an enticing alternative.

Another potent tool is Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA). If someone visited your website but didn’t convert, and later searches for a competitor, RLSA allows you to target these users with specific ads, perhaps offering a special discount to sway their decision.

However, it’s crucial to continuously optimize campaigns. Regularly reviewing performance metrics, adjusting bids, and refining ad copy can ensure you get the most bang for your buck. While targeting competitors’ audiences via Google Ads is a proactive approach, it requires careful strategizing to be truly effective.

What role do influencers play in diverting competitors’ audiences?

Influencers, with their curated audience bases, can be a gateway to accessing competitors’ followers. They command trust, and their endorsements can have a substantial impact. If a competitor’s audience follows a specific influencer, collaborating with them can bring your brand into the spotlight.

But influencer marketing isn’t just about big names. Micro-influencers, with their smaller but highly engaged audience, can offer better ROI. If a competitor collaborates with mega-influencers, targeting micro-influencers in the same niche can provide a cost-effective alternative. For example, instead of collaborating with a celebrity chef, partnering with upcoming culinary influencers can attract a dedicated food-loving audience.

Engaging content is the bedrock of successful influencer collaborations. Whether it’s a product review, giveaway, or tutorial, the content should resonate with the influencer’s audience. For instance, if an influencer’s audience loved a competitor’s eco-friendly product, sending them your sustainable product line for review can pique interest.

Transparency is vital. Regulations require influencers to disclose paid partnerships. But beyond regulations, honest reviews can generate more trust. If an influencer highlights a minor flaw in your product but appreciates other features, it comes across as genuine and can still win over competitors’ audiences.

Regularly evaluating the effectiveness of influencer collaborations is essential. Tracking metrics like engagement rates, referral traffic, and conversion rates can provide insights. If a collaboration doesn’t yield the desired results, it’s crucial to understand why and refine the strategy accordingly.

Are there tools that can assist in analyzing competitors’ audience behaviors?

Competitor analysis isn’t just about products or services; it extends to understanding their audience’s behavior, preferences, and sentiments. Luckily, the digital age brings a slew of tools that make this analysis streamlined and insightful. Tools like SimilarWeb offer insights into competitors’ website traffic, audience demographics, and engagement metrics.

For a deep dive into content performance, tools like BuzzSumo can highlight which of a competitor’s content pieces are most shared or liked. If their article on “Benefits of Meditation” went viral, creating a comprehensive guide on meditation techniques might be a good move. Platforms like Social Blade provide analytics on social media performance, shedding light on audience growth, engagement rates, and content trends.

When it comes to social listening, tools like Brandwatch or Mention scan the web for mentions of your competitors, helping you gauge sentiment, spot issues, or identify advocates. If users complain about a competitor’s product on social media, jumping in with a solution can turn the tide in your favor.

For businesses in the e-commerce space, tools like Prisync or Competitor Price Watch can keep tabs on competitors’ product prices, discounts, or stock availability. If a competitor’s popular product goes out of stock, running a promotion on your alternative can capture their frustrated audience.

While these tools offer a goldmine of data, the onus is on businesses to leverage insights strategically. Merely mimicking competitors won’t cut it. Instead, understanding the audience’s pain points and crafting tailored solutions can lead to genuine conversions.

How effective are social media ads in targeting competitors’ audiences?

Social media platforms, with their vast user bases and intricate algorithms, present a unique opportunity for businesses to target competitors’ audiences. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram allow brands to target ads based on users’ interests, behaviors, and even their interactions with competitors.

For instance, Facebook’s “Interest” targeting can be used to display ads to users who’ve shown interest in a competitor’s page or related industry terms. Additionally, with “Custom Audiences”, businesses can upload a list of email addresses (perhaps from a purchased list or trade show) and target these individuals with ads, assuming they’re also Facebook users.

Lookalike Audiences, another Facebook feature, can be a game-changer. By analyzing your existing audience, the platform creates a new audience segment that shares similar interests and behaviors. This newly formed segment can potentially include competitors’ followers who exhibit similar patterns but haven’t yet interacted with your brand.

Instagram, owned by Facebook, offers similar targeting capabilities. With its visually driven platform, captivating imagery combined with strategic targeting can attract competitors’ followers. Sponsored posts, stories, or even IGTV videos can be used to showcase products, share testimonials, or offer a behind-the-scenes look, subtly pulling in the competitor’s audience.

Regularly reviewing ad metrics is crucial. If an ad targeting a competitor’s audience doesn’t perform well, tweaking the creative, adjusting the budget, or refining the audience segment can make all the difference. Social media advertising, while powerful, requires ongoing optimization to truly tap into competitors’ audiences effectively.


Strategy Key Takeaway
Content Creation & SEO Create high-quality, relevant content that appeals to competitors’ audience search queries.
Networking Events & Webinars Establish authority, showcase offerings, and engage directly with potential customers.
Referral Programs Use word-of-mouth marketing to tap into competitors’ unsatisfied customers.
Online Communities Engage genuinely, provide value, and subtly introduce your brand as a solution.
Google Ads Target competitor keywords and utilize Custom Affinity Audiences and RLSA for effective campaigns.
Influencers Collaborate with influencers followed by competitors’ audiences for authentic endorsements.
Tools for Analysis Leverage tools to understand competitors’ audience behavior and craft tailored strategies.
Social Media Ads Utilize platform-specific targeting options to display ads to competitors’ followers.


What’s the most cost-effective way to target a competitor’s audience?

While all strategies have their merits, content creation combined with SEO optimization is often the most cost-effective in the long run. Once high-quality content ranks, it can attract organic traffic without continuous investment, unlike paid ads.

How can I ensure that the competitor’s audience will prefer my brand?

Offering genuine value, superior product quality, and excellent customer service are foundational. Understanding their pain points and crafting solutions that address them can also make your brand more appealing.

Is it ethical to directly target a competitor’s audience?

Yes, as long as the methods used are honest, transparent, and don’t involve unfair practices like spreading false information about competitors. Competition drives innovation, and targeting a competitor’s audience is a standard business strategy.

How do I measure the success of my strategies to target competitors’ audiences?

Utilize analytics tools to monitor website traffic, conversion rates, and engagement metrics. Regularly reviewing and adjusting strategies based on performance data is essential.

Can small businesses effectively target larger competitors’ audiences?

Absolutely. By focusing on niches, offering unique selling propositions, and building genuine relationships, small businesses can often provide what larger competitors might overlook.