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A Guide to Competition-Based Pricing

August 12, 2023 6 min read

A Guide to Competition-Based Pricing

Competition-based pricing, often referred to as market-oriented pricing, is a strategy where businesses set their prices based on what competitors charge. In a market saturated with similar products or services, understanding and adopting this strategy can be the key to standing out and ensuring profitability. This guide delves deep into the nuances of competition-based pricing, offering insights, examples, and actionable steps to master this approach.

Why is Competition-Based Pricing Important?

Competition-based pricing is not just about matching or undercutting your competitors’ prices. It’s about understanding the market dynamics, recognizing the value proposition of your offerings, and positioning your brand effectively. When done right, this strategy can help businesses capture a significant market share, improve sales volume, and enhance brand perception.

For instance, consider two coffee shops in a locality. One is a renowned chain with a loyal customer base, while the other is a new entrant. If the new coffee shop prices its beverages much higher than the established chain without offering any additional value, it’s unlikely to attract many customers. On the other hand, if it prices its products slightly lower and offers a unique blend or a novel experience, it might just win over some of the chain’s loyalists. This simple example underscores the importance of competition-based pricing in real-world scenarios.

Here are some steps to effectively implement competition-based pricing:

  • Research: Regularly monitor competitors’ prices. Tools like Rivalyzer’s website monitoring can be invaluable in this regard.
  • Value Proposition: Understand what sets your product apart. Is it quality, brand reputation, or something else?
  • Flexibility: Be ready to adjust prices based on market changes, seasonal demands, or competitor actions.
  • Cost Consideration: While setting prices based on competitors, never forget to factor in your costs. Pricing below your cost for extended periods can lead to losses.
  • Feedback: Regularly gather customer feedback. It can offer insights into how they perceive your prices in comparison to competitors.

How to Determine the Right Competitive Price?

Determining the right competitive price requires a blend of market research, cost analysis, and strategic thinking. Start by listing down your direct competitors. Use  SEO Analysis to understand online competitors and platforms like Social Media to gauge their customer engagement and feedback.

Next, analyze the price range in the market. If most competitors offer a product in the $50-$60 range, pricing yours at $100 without any significant value addition might deter potential customers. However, if your product has distinct advantages or unique features, a higher price point can be justified.

Always factor in your costs. If producing a product costs you $40, pricing it at $45 based on competitor pricing, without considering other overheads, might result in minimal profit margins. Aim for a balance between competitive pricing and sustainable profit margins.

Lastly, consider the brand image. Luxury brands can price their products higher due to the perceived value and brand reputation. Understand where your brand stands in the market and price accordingly.

Challenges of Competition-Based Pricing

While competition-based pricing offers numerous advantages, it’s not devoid of challenges. Blindly following competitors without understanding your cost structure can lead to unsustainable operations. There’s also the risk of triggering a price war, where competitors continuously undercut each other, leading to reduced profits for all.

Another challenge is the potential undervaluation of unique products or services. If your offering is distinct and offers more value than competitors, pricing it similarly might not do justice to its value proposition. It’s essential to educate customers about the added benefits they receive, justifying the price point.

Moreover, relying solely on this strategy can lead to a reactive approach. Instead of leading market trends, businesses end up following them. It’s crucial to blend competition-based pricing with other strategies like value-based pricing for a holistic approach.

Competition-Based Pricing vs. Value-Based Pricing

Competition-based pricing, as discussed, revolves around setting prices based on competitors. Value-based pricing, on the other hand, focuses on the perceived value of a product or service to the customer. Instead of looking outward, businesses look inward, understanding the value their offerings provide.

For instance, a software solution that automates a manual process and saves a company $10,000 annually can be priced at a premium, even if competitors offer similar solutions at lower prices. The value it provides justifies the price.

Both strategies have their merits. While competition-based pricing is excellent for capturing market share in a saturated market, value-based pricing is ideal for unique products or services that offer distinct advantages. A blend of both, depending on the product, market, and brand positioning, can be the key to pricing success.


Competition-based pricing is a dynamic and effective strategy, especially in markets with multiple players offering similar products. By understanding competitors, gauging market dynamics, and factoring in costs, businesses can set prices that attract customers while ensuring profitability. However, it’s essential to avoid the pitfalls of this strategy, like triggering price wars or undervaluing unique offerings. A balanced approach, combined with other pricing strategies, can lead to sustained success in the market.


What is competition-based pricing?

Competition-based pricing is a strategy where businesses set their prices based on what competitors charge, considering the market dynamics and their product’s value proposition.

How do I determine the right competitive price?

Research your competitors, understand the market price range, factor in your costs, and consider your brand image to determine the right competitive price.

What are the challenges of competition-based pricing?

Challenges include potential price wars, undervaluation of unique products, and a reactive approach to market trends.

How does competition-based pricing differ from value-based pricing?

While competition-based pricing focuses on competitors’ prices, value-based pricing revolves around the perceived value of a product or service to the customer.

Can I use both competition-based and value-based pricing?

Yes, blending both strategies, depending on the product, market, and brand positioning, can be effective.

Is competition-based pricing suitable for all businesses?

While it’s beneficial for many, businesses with unique products or services might benefit more from value-based pricing.

How often should I review my prices?

Regularly monitoring the market and competitors can help in timely price adjustments. It’s advisable to review prices at least quarterly.

Can competition-based pricing lead to losses?

If not implemented correctly, and without considering costs, it can lead to minimal profit margins or even losses.

How do I avoid a price war?

Focus on value addition, brand positioning, and customer education to avoid getting into a continuous cycle of undercutting competitors.

Is competition-based pricing reactive?

It can be reactive if businesses solely rely on it without considering other market trends or strategies.