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Mastering the Art of Objection Handling in Sales: Your Ultimate Guide with Powerful Examples

July 16, 2023 3 min read

Introduction: Objection Handling – The Make or Break Point in Sales

In the vast and dynamic arena of sales, there is one crucial skill that separates the ordinary from the extraordinary – the art of handling objections. Sales objections are a sign that your potential client is evaluating your product or service, which means they are interested. The trick lies in addressing these objections tactfully, turning them into opportunities to bring the customer closer to a sale. This article offers a deep dive into what objection handling is, how to master it, and provides examples of how to manage common objections about competitors.

Unveiling Objection Handling

Objection handling is the process of addressing and neutralizing the concerns, doubts, or reservations that a potential customer may have about your product or service. At the core, it’s about empathizing with your customers, understanding their needs, and communicating how your product or service can address those needs.

Consider the instance of Salesforce. As a cloud-based CRM, it often encounters objections regarding data security. To handle these objections, Salesforce emphasizes its robust security measures, frequent audits, and certifications to assuage any data security fears.

The Art of Handling Objections

Successfully handling objections is akin to navigating a ship through a storm. It requires skill, patience, and resilience. Here are some steps to guide you through:

  1. Listen Intently: Understand your customer’s concerns. Do not interrupt them. Let them express their objections fully.
  2. Empathize and Validate: Show your customers that you understand their concerns and validate their objections. This builds rapport and trust.
  3. Ask Probing Questions: Once you understand the objection, ask questions to delve deeper. This will give you more clarity and might even make the customer rethink their objection.
  4. Address the Objection: Once you have all the details, address the objection. Use facts, figures, case studies, or testimonials to substantiate your argument.
  5. Confirm Resolution: After addressing the objection, ensure that your customer is satisfied with your response. If not, it’s back to step one.

Tackling Common Objections about Competitors

It’s common to encounter objections about competitors during the sales process. Here’s how you can handle some common ones:

  1. Price Objections: If a customer objects that your competitor offers a similar product at a lower price, emphasize your product’s unique features, superior quality, or better after-sales service.
  2. Product Feature Objections: If a competitor’s product has a feature that yours doesn’t, focus on the benefits of your product that the competitor’s product lacks.
  3. Brand Reputation Objections: If your competitor has a stronger brand reputation, showcase your customer testimonials, case studies, or independent reviews to build credibility.
  4. Objections about Innovation: If a competitor is seen as more innovative, highlight your company’s commitment to continuous improvement, upcoming features, or proprietary technology.

Real-World Examples of Objection Handling

  1. Zoom vs. Skype: When Skype users object to switching to Zoom because they are familiar with Skype’s interface, Zoom counters this by showcasing its superior video quality, innovative features like breakout rooms, and ease of use.
  2. Tesla vs. Traditional Cars: When customers object to Tesla’s high prices compared to traditional cars, Tesla highlights the total cost of ownership, which includes fuel savings, low maintenance costs, and its unmatched autopilot features.
  3. iPhone vs. Android: When customers object to iPhone’s high prices compared to Android, Apple counters by emphasizing its superior design, seamless user experience, regular updates, and robust security.

Conclusion: Transform Objections into Opportunities

The world of sales is filled with objections. But in the hands of a skilled salesperson, these objections transform into golden opportunities to connect with the customer, understand their needs, and guide them towards making a purchase. As Zig Ziglar once said, “Every sale has five basic obstacles: no need, no money, no hurry, no desire, no trust.” Mastering objection handling helps you overcome these obstacles and unlock unprecedented sales success.