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5 Essential Sales Battlecards Every Sales Team Needs – A Detailed Guide with Examples

July 13, 2023 3 min read

Whether you’re battling it out in a fiercely competitive market or striving to stake your claim in a nascent industry, equipping your sales team with the right arsenal is vital. Among the various tools at your disposal, sales battlecards hold a place of prominence. These quick-reference guides serve to arm your salesforce with in-depth knowledge about your offerings, the competition, and effective selling strategies. But what makes a good battlecard? To answer this, we delve into the five best sales battlecards that every sales team should have in their toolkit, complete with examples to illuminate their use.

Sales Battlecard #1: Competitor Comparison Card

This is arguably the most classic type of sales battlecard. In the fast-paced world of sales, having a concise and informative snapshot of how your product or service measures against key competitors can be a game-changer.

Example: Imagine you’re a SaaS company offering project management tools. Your competitor comparison card would highlight how your software features compare against those of direct rivals like Asana, Trello, and Jira. The card could include comparison points like pricing, integrations, user interface, customer support, and scalability.

Sales Battlecard #2: Objection Handling Card

Objections are part and parcel of any sales negotiation process. Having a well-structured objection handling battlecard helps your sales team address these concerns effectively, converting potential roadblocks into opportunities.

Example: For a company selling an AI-based customer service platform, typical objections might include concerns about data privacy, cost, or AI’s ability to understand nuanced customer issues. The objection handling card would provide counter-arguments for each of these points, emphasizing robust data security measures, cost-effectiveness over human-operated support, and the platform’s sophisticated natural language processing capabilities.

Sales Battlecard #3: Unique Selling Proposition (USP) Card

A USP card distills what makes your product or service stand out in the market. It’s a synopsis of your offering’s unique value and why it should matter to potential customers.

Example: Suppose you’re marketing a sustainably sourced coffee brand. Your USP card would highlight your commitment to ethical sourcing, the superior taste of your coffee driven by select beans, your dedication to environmental conservation, and maybe an innovative compostable packaging solution that differentiates your brand.

Sales Battlecard #4: Customer Success Story Card

There’s no better sales pitch than a happy customer’s narrative. A customer success story battlecard provides your sales team with a collection of impactful testimonials and case studies to demonstrate the real-world value of your offerings.

Example: For an e-commerce platform, a customer success story could be about a small business owner who tripled their sales within six months of adopting your platform. The card would detail how your platform’s features facilitated this growth, thereby showcasing practical, quantifiable benefits.

Sales Battlecard #5: Elevator Pitch Card

An elevator pitch is a succinct, persuasive speech that you can deliver in the time it takes to ride an elevator (hence the name). This battlecard sharpens your sales team’s ability to grab attention and create interest within a very short span.

Example: For a cybersecurity firm, the elevator pitch might be something like, “Our cybersecurity solutions protect your digital assets using next-gen AI technology. With our services, we’ve helped businesses reduce their risk of data breaches by up to 70%, ensuring peace of mind in an increasingly connected world.”

These five sales battlecards form a robust sales enablement package, empowering your team to navigate sales conversations confidently and effectively. It’s important to remember, though, that these cards are not static. They should be living documents that are updated regularly to reflect changes in the market, your product, and the competitive landscape.

Furthermore, effective utilization of these battlecards demands thorough familiarization and practice. Ensure your team knows not just what’s on the cards, but also how to use this information to steer sales conversations towards favorable outcomes.

The sales battlefield may be fraught with challenges, but with the right weapons in hand, your sales team will be well-equipped to turn the tide in your favor.